How to Clean a Shower Head in 3 Different Ways

How to Clean a Shower Head in 3 Different Ways

Cleaning a shower head is actually easier than you might think. And it is more important than you might think. 

The water being supplied to your house has minerals that can accumulate and block the sprouts in the shower head, regardless of where it is coming from. This problem can be worse if your supply is from a well. 

Getting a good shower water filter can minimize the mineral deposit issue to an extent. However, over time, the shower heads opening will get blocked and invite mold and bacteria. 

So, if you’re facing shower head blocking, or want to avoid it in the future, here’s a guide on how to clean any type of shower head in a few different ways. 


How Frequently Should Shower Heads be Cleaned?

If your shower heads haven’t been cleaned yet, then there will be some telltale signs. One is reduced water flow from the nozzles. 

If you are facing this, then you should get to cleaning them. It’s recommended to set a schedule for cleaning shower heads every 2 months or even more regularly if you get hard water in your pipes. 

There are 3 ways in which we can clean the shower head: 

  • Using lemon juice
  • Using filter screen
  • Using Vinega

How to Clean a Shower Head With Vinegar

Using vinegar is the best method to clean shower heads. Its acidic nature neutralises the alkaline limescale that deposits on the shower head without using abrasive chemicals. 

For this, you will need the following:

  • White vinegar
  • Rubber band
  • Cleaning cloth
  • Plastic food storage bag
  • Baking soda
  • A toothpick

Step 1: Add Vinegar to the Bag

Fill the plastic food storage bag half-way with white vinegar. Don’t fill the bag too much otherwise it will overflow when you add the shower head. 

Step 2: Place the Bag Over the Shower Head

Submerge the shower head into the bag until it is completely under the vinegar. If you feel there is less vinegar, add more at this step.

Step 3: Close the Bag with the Rubber Band

Close the bag with the rubber band tied around the shower head. Check to see if the bag is securely tied and won’t drop and spill. It’s recommended to close the shower curtain so in case the bag spills it stays enclosed. 

Step 4: Keep for a good time

Leave the shower head in vinegar for 12 hours, ideally overnight if the shower head is very dirty. Note: if your shower head has brass in its composition, only keep the shower head for 30 minutes then remove it otherwise it will get damaged. Don’t use this method for shower heads made with nickel. 

Step 5: Remove the Shower Head

Remove the rubber band and take the shower head out of the bag. Drain the vinegar in the basin and use baking soda to remove any scum that builds up.

Step 6: Wash with Hot Water

Use hot water on the shower head and wash away any leftover minerals in the nozzles.

Step 7: Using the Toothpick

For any nozzles still clogged, use the toothpick to prick away any buildup still remaining. Really get into the holes and use a toothbrush as well if the toothpick doesn’t do the job. Use the hot water to wash away the scum and repeat this process until the shower head is completely clean. 

Step 8: Rub with the Cloth

Clean the shower head with a soft cloth for a clear, pristine fixture. Additionally, dry it out to remove any remaining water and give it a almost-like-new look. 

This process is a little easier if your shower head is detachable. Simply dislodge it and place it in a container filled with vinegar and follow the other steps in the same way. 


How to Clean a Shower Head With Lemon Juice

If you don’t have vinegar or don’t want to use that method, a good alternate is using lemon juice and water. The acid in the lemon juice can eliminate the minerals on your shower head. For this, you will soak and clean the shower head in the same way as we did in the vinegar method. 

If waiting isn’t your thing and you want to get done with this quickly, you can create a paste out of lemon and backing soda to clean the shower head with. 

For this, you will need:

  • Baking sosa
  • Lemon juice
  • Used toothbrush
  • Salt

Step 1: Create the Paste and Apply It

In a bowl, combine some baking soda or salt with lemon juice. Stir it until a paste is formed. Stick the toothbrush in the paste and then rub it on the shower head.

Step 2: Wash with Hot Water

Wash the shower head thoroughly with hot water. If you can detach the shower head, then scrub it and clean it completely using the hot water. 

Step 3: Clean Well

Completely clean with a cloth and dry it out like we did in the vinegar method. 

Note: If these methods don’t work for you, buy a descaler and use it by following the steps laid out on its packaging. 


How to Clean the Filter Screen of the Shower Head

Sometimes the problem might exist in the shower head filter screen. Let’s see how to deal witht that. 

For this you will need: 

  • Pliers
  • Wrench
  • Baking soda
  • Descaler or vinegar

Step 1: Remove Shower Head

Remove your shower head by twisting it until it comes off. If it is fixed, then you can use the wrench to take it out the screws. 

Step 2: Clean out waste

There may be some buildup or waste in the shower head which you can flush out using warm water. 

Step 3: Remove and Clean the Filter Screen

Next, take the filter screen out. This is placed between the water pipe and the shower head. You can use the pliers to take it out. 

Now, using a solution of water and vinegar, and a toothbrush for application, scrub the filter. You can also do this with a descaler. 

Once done, wash it with water and rub it dry with a cloth. Place the filter back in the shower head. 

Step 4: Clean the Rest of the Shower Head

Use the vinegar method or lemo juice method to clean the nozzles of the shower head as instructed above. 

Step 5: Re-attach and Use 

Rescrew the shower head back with the water pipe and you should have a clean shower head with water flowing out smoothly. 

In Conclusion

After this blog, we hope you now have enough info on how to clean a shower head. 

Its a dirty business, but, for optimum usage and a safe shower, we need to wash them out once in a while. 

We covered a couple of ways in which we can clean the shower head like using vinegar and lemon paste. If these don’t work, we have to clean the screen filter. 

Remember to have a schedule for cleaning you shower head as well, scrubbing them once every two month at least. 

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